Gayish: 139 Surrogacy (w/ Joseph and Brandon Peters-Mathews)

Mike and Kyle talk to a married gay couple about their baby, who is due in just a couple of weeks, and the journey they took to get there. Guests: Husbands Joseph Peters-Mathews (from Episode 37 about gay priests) and Brandon Peters-Mathews.

In this episode: News- 3:22 || Main Topic (Surrogacy)- 12:27 || Gayest & Straightest- 1:11:31

Bonus segment with more datums about same-sex couples with children available at

Gayish: 137 Dykes (w/ Hot Takes with Hot Dykes)

Astrology, the top shortage, lesbian bed death, and astrology. We talk about lesbian stereotypes with Clara Pluton and Val Nigro of the Hot Takes with Hot Dykes podcast. Oh, we also talk about astrology.

In this episode: Corrections- 2:29 || Guests Clara Pluton and Val Nigro join us to talk about dykes- 7:35 || Gayest & Straightest- 1:04:40

Bonus segment from Fucking Dan about the origin of the word “dyke” at

Gayish: 136 Rimming

Eat Ass. Love Ass. Pray Ass.

In this episode: News – 4:35 | Main Topic (Rimming) – 14:15 | Gayest & Straightest – 1:04:49

Bonus segment from Fucking Dan about his top-secret homemade lube product is available at

Gayish: 134 Harry Potter

Oh Merlin! We talk about Dumbledore’s gayness, JK Rowling’s TERFness, and who is Rebecca Salt? Thank you to Cian and Javier for requesting this topic as part of their Patreon benefits!

In this episode: News – 2:21 | Main Topic (Harry Potter) – 12:44 | Gayest & Straightest – 51:41

If you want to decide a future episode topic, go to to take a look at the benefits and levels!

Gayish: 133 Non-Binary (w/ Tuck Woodstock from Gender Reveal)

Tuck Woodstock, host of the Gender Reveal podcast, joins us to answer inappropriate questions about being non-binary. [UPDATE: Since recording this episode, Tuck has updated their name. In the episode, you’ll hear all of us use their (now) dead name, which has been preserved as-is given the importance to our conversation.]

In this episode: News – 4:13 | Main Topic (Non-Binary) – 12:44 | Gayest & Straightest – 56:45

Bonus segment about the singular they/them pronouns available at

Gayish: 131 Cars

The only cars we really care about are muscle cars, minus the cars part. But I guess we’ll talk about them anyway.

In this episode: News – 9:23 | Main Topic (Cars) – 19:44 | Gayest & Straightest – 1:04:48

Bonus segment about rainbow stickers on cars available at

Gayish: 130 Strippers

One of makes friends with them, the other can’t handle them. Get your ones ready, it’s strippers!

In this episode: 4:37 – News | 14:42 – Main Topic (Strippers) | 1:00:30 – Gayest & Straightest

Bonus segment about whether go-go boys are straight or gay available at