Mike and Kyle know nothing about boxing, yet these two gay dudes sophisticatingly anal-yze the Mayweather vs. McGregor fight. That’s why we bring in reinforcements in the form of Mike’s least good brother, Murph Johnson.
Gayish: 024 Ghosts [Shrinkage]
Mike and Kyle try to figure out if their gayness is caused by something otherworldly.
Gayish: 023 Baseball
Why are there no out gay players in the MLB? And are high-fives gay or straight? We turn baseball terms into dirty gay sex acts as we try to talk about a sport we don’t know about.
Gayish: 022 Animals
Dolphins and bonobos and bestiality, oh my!
Gayish: 021 Gender (w/ Zipporah Jarmon and Michelle Janayea)
Can periods be genderless? And more importantly, can society accept those who don’t adhere to conventional gender norms? Guests Zipporah Jarmon and Michelle Janayea, co-owners of Pyramid Seven, share the role clothes, underwear, and periods have played in their lives.
Gayish: 020 Music
Do you know Sia’s sexual orientation? Or who k.d. lang is? Or the song ‘Ur So Gay’? Just admit it. You need this, or you’ll be in treble.
Special thanks to Charlie Finn for our new theme song. More info about the music in this episode available at GayishPodcast.com/index.php/music.
Gayish: 019 Consent
Mike and Kyle share stories that blur the lines of consent.
Gayish: 018 Underwear
A non-stop thrill ride of underwear-related facts, stories, and observations. Apologies in advance to anyone who likes Jesus.
Gayish: 017 Andrew Garfield [Shrinkage]
Is Andrew Garfield gay? Does Andrew Garfield hate gay people? Is Andrew Garfield a sexy AIDS time traveler? Are all these questions indefensible click-bate? Listen to find out! You won’t believe minute 21!
Reynolds v. United States
Here is the Wikipedia article for the Supreme Court case I talked about with regard to Mormonism and plural marriage in Gayish: 016 Mormon (w/ Derek Flora).
Gosh, does any of it sound familiar? It’s from 1878. Religion does not permit a citizen to “become a law unto himself”. (From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reynolds_v._United_States)
“The court considered that if polygamy was allowed, someone might eventually argue that human sacrifice was a necessary part of their religion, and ‘to permit this would be to make the professed doctrines of religious belief superior to the law of the land, and in effect to permit every citizen to become a law unto himself.’ The Court believed the First Amendment forbade Congress from legislating against opinion, but allowed it to legislate against action”