Gayish: 285 Queer as Folk

Is Queer as Folk good or bad for the gay community? Is it okay to release an episode with a shooting at a gay club during the anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting? Where did Queer as Folk get its name? What did the new series improve upon, and what mistakes did they keep making? We get right into the feelz on the old and new versions. YES WE KNOW IT WAS A BRITISH SHOW FIRST SO DON’T WRITE IN ABOUT THAT.

In this episode: News- 2:39 || Main Topic (Queer as Folk)- 19:23 || Gayest & Straightest- 1:26:26

On the bonus Patreon segment, we talk about easter eggs in the new series that pay homage to the old, favorite quotes, and the similarities between QaF and And Just Like That. Support the show for as little as $2/mo., and get lots of great benefits while doing it, at